Prejudice of the rich

Alan Johnson

Ben Godar covers his prejudice of the rich by comparing the contributions of a dead princess to a soon-to-be Saint Teresa.

What Mother Teresa and Princess Diana have done in their lives is incomparable.

What Bill Gates chooses to do with his life and money is his decision.

Millions of people donate money to countless charities every year.

But none of this seems to matter to Ben Godar.

It’s the size of the donator’s pocketbook that seems to be important.

A man is not honorable if he does not give 10 percent of his INCOME, which Bill Gates did do, and then some.

Maybe what is important here is that we give?

We give what we can and not a mandated percentage.

I have given anything from the change in my pocket to volunteering my services to shelters.

Bill Gates gave something of which he has a surplus.

Princess Diana and Mother Teresa both gave what they could.

So, come on Ben, look past your prejudice of the rich and be happy for the good things that will be done because of that money.

A man gave $3 billion to a charity. He asked for no one’s opinion or gratitude. He simply handed the money over.

If you cannot respect that charitable act, then you simply do not understand charity.

Alan Johnson

