There’s no place like home

Editorial Board

Continuous housing at Iowa State.

It isn’t the First Amendment, but we thought we’d write about something local that students really care about and stay away from civil liberties.

Let’s talk about dollars and cents.

Or should we say dollars and … sense?

Plain, old-fashioned, good, common sense.

The kind of common sense your grandmother talks about and advocates over “book” sense.

A proposal is currently on the table to extend continuous housing to all dorm residents over the Thanksgiving break and spring break periods.

This proposal comes quick on the heels of student pleas to be allowed to stay in the dorms over these breaks.

And Johnny-on-the-spot, the Department of Residence is there to fit the bill.

Though the final decision has not been made, it looks positive at this point.

For our two cents worth, it’s just a heck of a good idea, like mittens.


Because not everyone wants to leave for just one week.

Maybe they live far away and don’t want to scrounge up expensive airfare just to go home one month before Christmas. Holy highway robbery!

Maybe they don’t want to spend the money on potentially dangerous vacations.

Why in the sweet name of all that is sacred and good would people want to spend money flying out of Des Moines when they have to come right back in a week?

And then there is the question of dysfunction.

Not everyone likes going home and spending a week with their families when they could be on their own.

Why else would a dorm resident want to stay over break? Free cable.

Many Iowans live in areas which are still too rural to have cable. Even if they do, they might not get Cinemax.

If you have been recording “Northern Exposure” for six straight months, going home for a week can seriously throw off your recording schedule.

And perhaps the best reason is that when you hit 18, maybe you’re not old enough to drink legally, but you are still an adult.

As an adult, isn’t it nice to know that you have a place of your own?

A place to hang your hat.

A place to rest your weary head.

A place to keep your stuff.

A place … like Iowa State.