Hunter’s retort

Brian L. Schuster

To those who oppose dove hunting and the author of “When doves cry,” you are wrong. I have to ask what you have done to benefit wildlife lately?

Do you volunteer your time or money, or is your only contribution bashing those who do?

Money spent on hunting licenses goes directly to the preservation of wildlife and the funding of state and national parks.

The tax on every hunting and fishing product is used for conservation purposes.

Every hunter in Iowa spends at least twenty eight dollars on hunting licenses.

Last year I bought a hunting and fishing license for $23, habitat stamp – $5, federal migratory bird stamp – $15, state migratory bird stamp – $5, fur-harvester license – $20.50, turkey license – $22.50, deer license – $22.50 and a trout stamp – $10. A total of $123.50, almost all of it going to preserving wildlife.

Time and energy are also put into the improvement of habitat. Last year, I helped our local Pheasants Forever chapter by helping plant trees to provide cover for nesting pheasants.

Last summer, I participated in a river bank restoration project providing habitat for trout, and preventing erosion. There were at least fifty others helping, and they were all hunters or fishermen.

They donated their time to do something for the environment, where were you?

The next time you get the urge to bash hunters please remember this letter. Use your time in a more constructive way. Get off your ass and pick up some garbage or something.

Brian L. Schuster


Animal ecology