Standards keep women from porn

Chad Calek

Do you ever wonder who the porn industry’s target audience is?

At first you might say the target audience is males. More specifically, you might say males from age 15 and up.

Not just any porn either. All porn, whether it’s homosexual, lesbian, straight or other, seems to be targeted towards men.

I may be wrong, but I believe that most women will not get turned on by watching two men having sex. However, gay men will get turned on by viewing those kind of acts.

Men get turned on by watching straight sex. A lot of men get turned on by watching lesbian or bisexual encounters. I would say that the porn industry, for the most part, does not design its material for a large population of women.

Do you see the irony?

Which sex plays the majority of the roles in these films?

Women are the majority in most porn films. Threesomes with two women, just two women together and lesbian orgies are all popular themes in modern-day porn movies. Quite often have I picked up a porn box and read, “Kip Dinger with Foxxxy Funnel, Heidi Hole and Sharon Spooge.”

Women always outnumber the amount of men in these films. Trust me, I know. I am the god of porn.

If there are so many more women than men making pornography films, why is the pornography industry primarily targeted toward males?

Wouldn’t it appear that women should be targeted more?

I may have an answer. I may be right, I may be wrong, but either way this reason makes sense to me.

Even though certain groups of women have moved into the enlightened stage of femi-Naziism, the majority of the women in America are still subordinate to men.

Not in the traditional way, which is giving in to their significant others’ preconceived perception of the way a lady should act.

But women are subordinate to men in a societal way.

Think about this. The white Protestant male still predominantly runs this country. Our country’s outlook on its citizens is largely shaped by those who run it.

Women are still trapped in preconceived standards of society. They’ve come a long way, I’ll admit that. But they still have a way to go.

Let me use an example.

My fianc‚e, a kindergarten teacher, is not who I would call a full-blown porn fan, but she has watched and enjoyed several porn films in her day.

When she goes to the video rental store, she will not go in the porn room. She refuses. She’ll go home, watch the movie and enjoy it, but she will not be seen in public selecting a porn film for rent.

Let me tell you something.

It’s not because of me. I don’t care if she wears a shirt telling the world she has a huge porn catalogue at home, and they don’t exactly collect dust. She is trapped by society’s views.

I can only assume she is the same as many of you reading this right now.

A huge number of women participate in making these films. It would only make sense to me that a huge number of women should rent the films as well.

Women unite!

Join me in the women’s liberation of viewing pornography. This will be a giant leap for womanhood. One day you all will be able to say, “I am woman! Hear me roar as I rent this sloppy, sexy porno!”

Have fun today, people.

We’ll talk later.

Chad Calek is a senior in journalism and mass communication from Persia.