Convert to Judaism

Gary Rimar

So, April Goodwin and Jasmine Zingler know I’m going to hell? I think I’m already there, having to put up with the vomit people of their ilk spew all over God’s creation.

I’m damned in their eyes because people can describe me with a three-letter word: Jew.

I know everyone who reads their stuff figured I’d say “gay,” and I don’t blame you for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

I don’t believe Jesus is any more a child of God than anyone who can read this letter. Not because Jesus was bad but because we’re ALL God’s children. As far as I’m concerned, the “New Testament” is fiction, and the Torah is accurate.

What Christians refer to as the Old Testament is a bastardized translation that isn’t nearly as accurate or useful as these people claim.

If these Jesus freaks want to know God’s word and do His will, then lose this delusional crap about Christianity and convert to Judaism.

Are you outraged? You should be. That resembles what gays hear from so-called Christians regularly, and we get sick and tired of it.

In reality, I respect the right of Christians to believe in God as they do and only request that they let me do the same in peace.

Most Christians do and don’t ask me to lie about who I am. They don’t ask me to pretend to be straight.

They ask me to aspire to the real values God proclaims and accept that I do. It’s the “in your face” Christians that I hope God sends love and caring direction to as soon as possible. I pray for them as they know not what they do.

Gary Rimar

Washington, MI