Absolutely immoral

Scott Miller

The debate over the Bible and homosexuality is getting progressively more and more idiotic in the Daily’s letters column.

The latest in a long line of foolishness comes from Benjamin Studenski, who invokes that all-encompassing, nearly meaningless catch-phrase of religious extremists: “moral relativism.”

You’re wrong, Mr. Studenski. Gay Americans do not necessarily believe in moral relativism.

Some may.

Many of us do not.

We believe that every American, regardless of whether or not you and your buddies approve of him, deserves full and equal rights. There’s no gray area on this.

Anything less is immoral.

We believe that one aspect of a person’s identity (height, hair color, nationality, orientation) is a ridiculous measure of his moral character.

Many gay Americans have very definite views on morality.

Many of us believe in the Bible, though we know that it doesn’t even mention us, much less condemn us in its original texts.

Many of us do not subscribe to moral relativism at all.

We believe prejudice and the intentional spread of lies is immoral. Absolutely.

Scott Miller

St. Louis