Bible does so rip on homosexuals

Jasmine Zingler

In Scott Miller’s letter, he stated that “the Bible never condemns gay men and women or their acts,” and he cited the story of Sodom (Genesis 19:1-29) to show that the Bible was being misinterpreted.

He may be correct on the probable misinterpretation of the Sodomites’ sins, but he fails to take into account the other excerpts in the Bible that deal with the act of homosexuality which are much more explicit.

I agree with him on the fact that in the Bible, the words “homosexuality” or “homosexuals” cannot be found.

However, descriptions of homosexual acts are mentioned quite pointedly.

Romans 1:26-28 describes both homosexual acts concerning males and females: “… females exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the males likewise burned with lust for one another … “

Another reference is Leviticus 19:22 which says “you should not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination.”

Upon further reading of the Bible, one can deduce that these acts are definitely not condoned.

Jasmine Zingler


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