Hort club sprouts bulbs for sale

Emily Graham

Instead of the traditional gift of roses for Valentine’s Day, the Iowa State Horticulture Club suggests something with a little more longevity.

Starting Wednesday, the club will be selling plant and flower bulbs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the ground floor of Beardshear Hall. The Spring Bulb Sale will last through Friday.

Money gained from the sale will be used to fund upcoming trips and projects.

Shannon Bielicke, freshman in horticulture and club member, is anticipating working at the sale.

“The money raised will really help out the club,” she said.

Part of the money will be used to fund an upcoming spring break trip to New Orleans and to help fund community service projects, including maintaining a garden at a local nursing home.

Megan McConnell, co-chairwoman of the Spring Bulb Sale committee, said many flower varieties are available, including tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, cyclamen and primula.

“I’ve heard that the tulips are most popular, especially red,” said McConnell, freshman in horticulture.

“Some of the plants might not be in full bloom yet, but that is better because then they will last longer,” she said.

Plants cost between $5 and $8.

McConnell said the club always has held the sale around Valentine’s Day and has had a healthy turnout.

In the past, non-traditional students and faculty have purchased more plants and flowers than students, McConnell said.

“We try to put the fliers up in places that non-traditional students and faculty frequent because they are more likely to be the ones buying the flowers and plants,” she said. “We try to get the signs up in the men’s dorms in hopes of [them purchasing] Valentine’s Day gifts.”