What I have seen

Jan Putnam

I have worked at Iowa State University since 1966. I’ve seen campus protests, students dressed in “unisex” clothing, bib overalls, long hair, short hair and occasionally green hair.

I’ve seen old buildings taken down and new ones put up. I’ve watched ISU burst at the seams with over-enrolled courses and just a few years later scramble to increase enrollment.

Through these years of change, the student editors and writers of the Daily did their best to inform and entertain the ISU community.

There were times when I didn’t agree with their perspective or topic, but “freedom of speech” is critical, I understand.

However, yesterday’s (2/2/99) article on sex and the Internet was so offensive, I felt compelled to write.

Where has our sense of morality gone?

Over the years, under the guise of “protecting freedom of speech,” society has become numb to the debasement of people and moral standards in song, film and now the Internet.

Much like a lobster who fights furiously if thrown into a pot of boiling water, but who doesn’t fight at all if put into a pan of cool water which is slowly brought to a boil — we have slowly allowed the display of the worst in humanity to become acceptable.

Iowa State University is supposed to be a place of higher learning. Students come here to learn how to contribute to and better society.

I believe that the administration has an obligation to live up to the high standards upon which this university was founded.

In light of that belief, I also feel that there should be a limit to the latitude given students whose education is supported by state funds — my taxes!

As both an employee of ISU and a citizen of Iowa, I am ashamed of a university that allows web sites that are obscene or give instructions on building bombs.

I am ashamed of a university whose student paper prints the filthy ramblings of one of its writers. The Iowa State University community was not a better place after we were exposed to that article.

I can accept change. But as an employee and staunch supporter of ISU, I am angry, ashamed and saddened by the loss of integrity at the university I used to know.

Jan Putnam


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