Judge … not!

Jennifer Friedrichsen

In the battle between many Christian sects and homosexual members of society, one important phrase seems to have been forgotten: judge not lest ye be judged.

The typical Christian rebuttal to the assumption that they judge and condemn homosexuals goes: “They chose their sexual preference, they can choose to change it,” or, “I don’t hate them, but they are going to Hell.”

Isn’t this blatant judging leading to condemnation?

April Goodwin remarked, “homosexuality deviates from the perfection that God intended; anything that is outside of His holy plan is not of Him.”

With all respect to Ms. Goodwin, how can she say what God’s plan is?

No human alive today can personally know God’s plan for another person.

People today can read the Bible to understand, but human understanding of God’s plan is limited to the experiences and ideas we bring to the reading.

All people have some trait that is considered offensive by another. The phrase “Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone” still holds true.

We all need to change the way we think and feel about others.

Only when all people recognize our moral and ethical responsibility to respect all persons, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual preference, or religious affiliation, will we be able to fully understand and appreciate God’s plan for us.

Jennifer Friedrichsen

