IRHA plans dorm events

Jamie Lange

Plans for upcoming residence hall events were the main topics of discussion at Thursday’s Inter-Residence Hall Association meeting.

IRHA members discussed planning upcoming events such as Residence Hall Week, exTRAvaganza and other Veishea festivities and the monetary cost of funding these activities.

IRHA President Ben Chamberlain said some ideas for Veishea, including a large helium balloon for the parade, will be a positive addition to the celebration if IRHA can find a way to fund them

“I’ve thought for awhile that this would be good to do; however, we are being asked for money for Veishea already,” said Chamberlain, senior in agricultural studies. “Money will be the big issue, but it’s a good idea if enough people want to do it.”

Chamberlain said IRHA probably will be able to find funding for these projects.

“We can deal with the money issue,” he said. “It’s just an issue now of how much time, effort and funds we want to use.”

However, representatives had conflicting views on sponsoring a balloon for the Veishea parade.

“I have a personal problem with this because I’d like to see the residence hall activities come to the forefront,” said Matt Craft, Richardson Court Association president and junior in political science.

RCA Finance Director Dan McCabe had another idea.

“As fun as it sounds to sponsor a balloon, we could pull kites down the street, and it would cost $10 as opposed to two to three thousand,” said McCabe, junior in art and design.

The topic of continuing funding for Iowa State’s student-run radio station KURE 88.5 FM, which has been at the forefront of recent IRHA meetings, was not voted on.

“Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, we’ll figure out what we’re doing with KURE,” Chamberlain said.

Eric Anderson, TRA, said he would like to see the KURE issue resolved.

“I’d like to know what [KURE representatives] want and what they can do for us,” said Anderson, senior in computer engineering. “I’d like to reach some kind of resolution since we are kind of in a time constraint for whatever we are going to do about it.”

Anderson concluded the meeting by asking internal affairs representatives to get in contact with KURE representatives to find out what additional services they plan to provide for the residence halls.

In other news:

  • Resident assistant applications are due to 1203 Friley Hall by Friday.
  • Residence Hall Week is April 5-10.
  • Brad Pederson, freshman in pre-mechanical engineering, was seated as the new director of scholarship.