Local band teaches new music Theory

Erin Pierson

Late-night theoretical discussions aren’t uncommon for the Ames band The Revolution Theory.

In fact, the five members of the group (Kellio Capone, vocals; Drawz, bass guitar; Moses Dean, percussion; Prof. Noiz, guitar; and D.J. Me, auxiliary percussion) have made these types of discussions an important part of their livelihood.

“It all started when I moved back from Iowa City to make music with Kellio C. and Moses Dean,” Prof. Noiz said. “Then Drawz moved back from Boston, and we started jammin’ live and have been playing around since August. And now, we are adding our insane noises known as a D.J. because everyone else is, and we want to be cool like all the cool people.”

Kellio C. said the band is influenced by every type of music.

“Davo from the Axiom said it best when he said, ‘If there were streets of music, and there was a metal street and a hip-hop street, we would be standing on the corner,'” Kellio C. said.

In the past, the band has been compared to artists such as the Backstreet Boys, ‘N Sync, Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch and Slayer.

The band played its first show in April at Buddha Fest, thanks to help from the members of Vivid, 12 Volt Revolver, and their manager, Jonny Wishbone.

With the help of C-Bone from 35″ Mudder, Revolution Theory has since made it onto the air waves of Lazer 103.3. The group’s song, “Che,” is featured every Sunday night on Lazer Local Licks.

“He has really helped us out with that. We gave him our worst song and he played it,” Mosses Dean scoffed. “I guess people request it ’cause we don’t. We hate it.”

In the months the band has been together it has written around 12 original songs. The group will be hitting the studio in March to record an E.P. due sometime in April.

The Revolution Theory will be kicking off a benefit at the Safari Friday with Drip and 35″ Mudder. The all-ages show starts at 5 p.m.