
Daily Staff Writer

Gaines to lecture

Ruth Ann Gaines, 1998-99 Iowa Teacher of the Year, will lecture about what it means to be a minority student in Iowa at noon today in N166 Lagomarcino Hall.

Her lecture is being sponsored by the College of Education’s Minority Student Affairs program.

She also will be addressing how “drama can be used as a tool to motivate student learning,” according to a press release. This lecture will begin at 3:30 p.m. in 212 Ross Hall.

This lecture is being co-sponsored by Alpha Upsilon Alpha Honorary and the English department.

Gaines is a drama teacher at East High School in Des Moines.

Students can attend Ag forum for free

The first 100 Iowa State students who register to attend the 1999 National Forum for Agriculture by Friday will get in free of charge.

The forum, titled “Climate Change and the Implications for Agriculture and Energy,” will be held March 1-2 in the Scheman Building.

The fee is $50 after Friday.