Bar owners torn over alcohol-free Veishea

Brianne Hilpipre

This year marks the second consecutive Veishea to be celebrated without alcohol.

Some local bars and liquor stores said they are not getting the profits they once did during Veishea, while others said they have not noticed much difference in sales.

“Since Veishea went dry last year, there was a significant drop in sales,” said Ryan Spooner, manager of the Keg Shop, 218 Welch Ave. “I think that the sales during this year’s Veishea will be just like any normal weekend.”

Patrick Green, manager of Cy’s Roost, 121 Welch Ave., disagreed with the idea that there was a drop in sales last year during Veishea. He said he really didn’t see any difference in the sales of alcohol compared to past Veishea weekends.

“It didn’t really affect profits last year, and I don’t expect it to affect profits this year,” Green said.

Dennis Gano, owner of Cyclone Liquors, 626 Lincoln Way, said he did not notice a considerable increase or decrease in the sales of alcohol during Veishea last year compared to other years.

“Sure, there will be less profit but not that much,” Gano said.

Spooner said before Veishea was deemed alcohol-free, there was a considerable increase in alcohol sales during the event, but Veishea is not very profitable for his business anymore.

“A lot of people left town last year during Veishea,” he said. “It’s nice when you get 20 percent [profit] if it’s a large number, but it’s not good when you start losing sales.”

Green said despite the influx of visitors during Veishea, he does not expect to see a large increase in customers for this spring’s celebration.

“There are a lot of out-of-town people that come in; there are a lot of alumni,” he said. “[But] we can only fit so many people in the building, so I really couldn’t tell about an increase during Veishea.”