Quick Es

Daily Staff Writer

Quick E of the Day

“If we can’t get along, can’t we all shut up?


Construction engineering

“I think the Christians should stop complaining about being bashed; at least we aren’t feeding them to the lions any more.”


Physics and mathematics

“You know when spring’s around the corner when the crazy lady is walking down the middle of Welch!”


Textiles and clothing

“Dishwashers and Campus Reader carts. Isn’t Lake LaVerne great for getting rid of garbage?”


Agricultural systems technology and agricultural business

“Ahhh, spring. What a joyous time: the snow melts, the grass grows green

again, soon birds will be chirping, eggs will hatch, baby animals scamper about and soon God Socks returns.”



“I’m sure that when food service is consolidated (a.k.a. monopoly) there

will be more variety and prices will go down.”

Graduate student


“Those caramel brownies we had yesterday at food service looked a lot like bricks I saw falling off of Towers.”



“Is it just me or does anyone else love the tortured crow music that they

play on campus?”


Art and design

E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.