Hell is for the ‘not-so groovy’

Dawn E. Spiller

I was enjoying James O’Donnell’s article in the Feb. 10 opinion section on his journey through the Underworld.

I had to stop my maniacal laughing, though, when I got to the reference about Hitler in heaven.

Hitler in heaven?!

I wouldn’t classify myself as someone who is “religious.”

I don’t go to church, and I don’t talk to the Holy Spirit.

That comment made me take up my weapon (the pen is mightier than the sword) and attack.

Adolf Hitler may have claimed to be a Christian, but he broke some of Christianity’s most sacred rules.

You remember that pesky list of things you shalt not do? Thou shalt not murder (Hitler ordered the death of millions of Jews), thou shalt not covet (he wanted that little piece of land that just happened to belong to the French).

He broke plenty of others as well, including a couple of those seven deadly sins: Greed and Envy.

Hitler in heaven? HA!!!

Mr. O’Donnell, if you are going to satarize the sanctimonious, please get it straight.

It’s one thing to say you’re a Christian to back up your opinion or agenda and quite another to actually BE a Christian.

We all know that Hell is where all the “groovy” people will be, and the “not-so groovy” like Hitler.

Dawn E. Spiller

