Christian bashing

Sean Holdridge

I have been a student here at Iowa State for the past three years. In that time, I have seen controversy come and go; I’ve read articles by rabblerousers and educated persons alike on issues both mundane and germane.

When I first got here, the Daily was printing things I wanted to read by people whose opinions could be justified logically in a reasonable argument. I have also been forced to endure such schlock as the Moss pit and Chad Calek’s unending space fillers.

What has distressed me the most lately is the amount of Christian bashing going on within these pages.

I think I can speak for the clear majority of the student body when I say that enough is enough. I am not a Christian, nor do I pretend to be like so many other people I know. The Christians I know are, for the most part, good people.

They have things they believe, and perhaps their only fault is that they are outspoken in their beliefs. Such things are admirable that people find something to follow that would enrich their lives in a world fraught with disrespect for others and their opinions.

On the other side of the coin, the non-Christians listen to the Christians speak their minds, and some people take it upon themselves to respond to some of the claims made by the Christians.

This sometimes also leads to hostilities as non-believers scoff at believers.

I am not saying either side is without guilt, but as of late it seems that the bashers are making more and more inflammatory remarks towards a group of people with a common system of belief.

Do not misunderstand what I say here as blind support for the faithful. They too must temper what they say with common sense. Not all of us want or care to hear what they say.

I side with neither faction. All I ask is that both sides show a little respect for the other. I don’t understand why the Daily has repeatedly printed articles that do nothing more than waste column space and get one side up in arms against another.

Responsible journalism may help in calming things down between students. I don’t pretend to know the answer, I just wish that all parties involved would show a little more respect to the others and keep some of their more extreme opinions to themselves.

Sean Holdridge


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