Keep religion out

Geoff Staples

By whose morality is homosexuality to be judged moral or immoral? Baptists, atheists, Buddhists?

Even among Christian religions the verdict is unclear. Some persons of faith think homosexuality is moral, some think it isn’t. Some faith communities marry same sex couples, some don’t.

The above argument has absolutely nothing to do with law or civil rights.

No religion, including Conservative Christian sects, has a theological veto over the United States Constitution.

No matter how much they may wish it, the Bible does not trump the Constitution. While all persons have the right to associate themselves with any faith community and believe anything they wish, they do not have the right to impose their religious beliefs or morality on other American citizens.

We should never allow religion to be inserted into public policy decisions.

To do so violates the constitutional separation of church and state. Murder and theft are not illegal because the Ten Commandments forbid them.

These acts are illegal because they violate the civil rights of the victim of the theft or murder. The only morality we can successfully enact into law is the requirement that all persons are due equal respect and opportunity.

In some religious traditions, this is referred to as the “Golden Rule”: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Don’t steal, murder, or lie to others unless you are willing to be lied to, stolen from or murdered.

Our society must protect the rights of all persons, regardless of religious belief, or lack thereof.

To do otherwise will destroy the freedoms we Americans have fought so hard to preserve and defend.

When certain groups claim that they have the right to dictate morality or beliefs to others, they insult the memory of every American who has fought to preserve our freedoms and our way of life.

Gays and lesbians should be granted civil rights for the same reasons that women, blacks, and all other Americans have civil rights: They are human beings and they are American citizens.

Geoff Staples
