Insulting and disrespectful

Todd Holloway

It’s unfortunate that you look down on parents for being concerned about what their kids are exposed to.

The fact that some parents don’t want their kids exposed to that type of language at a school-sponsored event is NOT something to be ashamed of, it’s something to commend them for.

I’ll be the first to admit that kids are going to pick up foul language at school, but it’s from other kids, not something sponsored by the school itself.

Do the parents think that their kids have never heard any foul language? I assume not. To call the parents over-protective is insulting and disrespectful.

No, parents can’t control everything that their kids see and hear, and they never will. But lashing out at them for taking an interest in what the school chooses to show their kids?

You mention “90210” and “Melrose Place.” Parents can choose what their kids watch at home on TV, but they are ignored by the school systems and insulted when they ask any questions.

Perhaps the school can have a group come in and put on a play that is “educational and deals with real people and issues” about the adult film industry.

That should be a real treat. I know it’s a little extreme, but why not? The kids might learn some new words, among other things.

Then tell the parents that their kids are around it every day, many of their classmates are doing it, and their kids are probably doing it, too. Then cry “CENSORSHIP!!!” when the parents object and tell them to stay out of it.

Besides, what business do parents have when it comes to deciding what their kids see and hear?

They should just mind their own business, right? Parents should just take a passive role in deciding what values they want to instill in their children.

After all, that’s the government’s job, right?

Todd Holloway

Bowling Green, KY