Former political science professor dies

Jason Young

Alston “Jerry” Shakeshaft, 73, retired professor emeritus of political science, died of heart failure Dec. 23 at Mary Greeley Medical Center.

A memorial service will be held Friday at 3 p.m. in the Sun Room of the Memorial Union.

Shakeshaft taught political thought and judicial politics courses at Iowa State for 28 years. He began teaching at the university in 1967 and retired in 1995.

James McCormick, chairman of the political science department, was a friend and colleague of Shakeshaft.

“What he was known for was his excellence in teaching,” McCormick said.

Shakeshaft was twice named an outstanding teacher by the university.

McCormick said Shakeshaft often spoke of his service in the U.S. Army during World War II. He served as a platoon sergeant of the 103rd Infantry Division in France, Germany and Austria from 1944-45. He earned a silver star for gallantry in action, a bronze star and a combat infantry badge.

Shakeshaft studied at Yale University from 1946-47. He received his bachelor’s degree in 1949 and his master’s degree in 1962 from the University of Colorado. From 1963-67, Shakeshaft taught at his alma mater, before leaving Colorado to teach at Iowa State.

He worked with the U.S. Public Health Service in Washington and with the Division of Hospital and Medical Facilities. He also did consulting work with the Colorado Blue Cross, the Colorado Hospital Association and the Iowa Hospital Association.

From 1970-74, Shakeshaft served as assistant to the dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at ISU.

Shakeshaft was a member of the Iowa Humanities Board, the Iowa Comprehensive Medical Planning Council and the Iowa Regional Medical Program.

He is survived by his wife, Emmy of Ames; one son, Thomas Shakeshaft of Chicago; and one daughter, Kate Murray of Gainesville, Fla.

Memorial contributions may be sent to the Shakeshaft Fund, ISU Department of Political Science, 503 Ross Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011. The fund will help support a scholarship to be established in memory of Shakeshaft.