Shocked, dismayed and not a little offended

Travis Simpson

In regard to the caption of the picture of the man washing the bull on page seven of the Wednesday Daily, there is a false statement in it.

The bull he is washing is NOT a Polled Hereford but a Horned Hereford.

Webster’s Dictionary defines polled as: “having no horns,” and by the looks of the large horns on the bull’s head, it is definitely not polled.

I know this may not sound like a big deal to most people, but if you look into the history of Polled Herefords, you can see why it means a lot to those who raise them, and that includes me too.

Nationally, the Polled and Horned Hereford Association is now one association, the Hereford Association, but there is still a separation of identification between horned and polled animals.

I realize this may just be a simple mistake, but a well-rounded student should have been able prevent the error instead of making a false statement that deceives the audience.

Travis Simpson


Management information systems