Same-sex marriage

William W. Woods

I have been informed that there is a push by some well-meaning groups to forge a political marriage between a proposed bill defining marriage between a man and a woman and a bill proposing some form of domestic partnership.

As the originator of the same-sex marriage lawsuit, organizer of the three same-sex couple litigants, and having hired the lawyer to develop and conduct this case, The GLEA [Gay and Lesbian Education and Advocacy] Foundation strongly opposes such action.

We are very supportive of domestic partnership legislation for any two consenting adults, regardless of their sexual orientation, as an alternative to legal marriage.

This domestic partnership should not be discriminatory on basis of sex; thus, heterosexual and same-sex couples should have this legal status open to them.

If the bill or measure would be biased to discriminating based upon sex of a couple or one member of the couple, it would be discriminatory, and we would pursue legal action in accordance with our statutes and constitution based upon sex discrimination.

We are strongly opposed to any bill to define marriage which would limit any two consenting adults (except currently exempted blood relative couples).

We would fully support a clear new definition which eliminated any doubt that there were any limitations on the basis discussed above.

Anyone who votes for a limitation of marriage as has been suggested by some would be a vote against the full equal protection of all citizens assured by the U.S. and Hawaii Constitutions.

Even to pair these two suggested measures together would mean that any voting for the measures together would be voting to deny same-sex couples their entitled equal protection and U.S. citizens and would also be voting to formally establish same-sex couples second class citizenship.

The GLEA Foundation is committed to promote and pursue equal protection for all.

We sincerely hope you will take up this commitment as well.

The GLEA Foundation requests your comments and feedback regarding this letter to you.

William W. Woods


Board of the GLEA Foundation
