Merit scholars propel ISU to 14th nationwide

Emily Graham

For the third consecutive year, Iowa State has ranked among the top 15 universities nationwide that enroll National Merit Scholars.

The 111 National Merit Scholars enrolled this year placed ISU 14th among all universities and sixth among public universities. This is a step up from last year’s 15th-place ranking.

John McCarroll, director of University Relations, said this rating is quite a boost for ISU.

“This ranking speaks highly of the school, that we can attract so many National Merit Scholars,” McCarroll said. “It says a lot for the quality of teaching and research done here at ISU.”

ISU President Martin Jischke said the number of National Merit Scholars at the school also improves the quality and reputation of the university.

“I am very, very pleased with the number of National Merit Scholars here this year,” Jischke said.

Marc Harding, director of admissions, said the push for recruiting National Merit Scholars started in 1996, when more money was put into the scholarship fund for these students.

Harding said in that year, ISU attracted 154 National Merit Scholars, almost 100 more than the previous year. With 154 National Merit Scholars, ISU ranked eighth in the nation in 1996.

“Because of the large jump in the number of students we attracted, we received a lot of national press,” Harding said. “It was the highest jump in the country at that time.”

Harding said many of the students choose ISU because of the high-quality education offered by the university.

“These students are the top in the nation and can go to just about any school they choose to,” he said. “The fact that they choose ISU speaks extremely highly of us.”

ISU has the resources to offer 100 full-ride scholarships and 50 partial scholarships to National Merit Scholars. Harding said he hopes to have full use of this money next year.

“A National Merit Scholar is a great quality indicator,” he said. “It is a measurable quality in a school no matter where you are. It speaks of the university’s ability to attract the best and brightest students.”