Sorry, my fault

Randy Alexander

I am writing to provide some additional information regarding the article entitled “Jesus video confuses hall directors” and the related editorial.

I want to ensure that your readers understand that neither Sally Deters, other residence hall staff nor the members of the organizations distributing the video were in any way responsible for the confusion.

An advisor of one of the organizations participating in this event contacted me last semester to find out what guidelines needed to be followed to appropriately distribute this video to interested residence hall students.

The group preferred to do the distribution door to door rather than through campus mail.

They only wanted to give videos to people who wanted them, not mail them to people who did not want them.

My initial response was that I thought our solicitation policy prohibited any person or group from distributing any items door to door.

However, when I looked up the solicitation policy, I found that it stated that the policy applied only to “commercial, profit-making, or fund raising activity.”

Offering students a free product is clearly not prohibited.

On that basis, I gave my approval for the distribution to take place. Shortly after that it became necessary for me to travel out of state due to a family emergency.

I did not return to Ames for three weeks. As a result of this unexpected trip, I completely forgot to inform my staff of my decision to approve the distribution of the video.

I think it is important that your readers understand that Campus Crusade and other student groups participating in this program made every effort to ensure their activities were within our guidelines. They are in no way to blame for the confusion.

In addition, although I agree with the point of your editorial, the statement that Sally Deters “did not inform hall directors of the plans of the group” is incorrect due to my error.

Sally was never informed that the group had been given permission to conduct this activity.

In light of the omission, the actions of Sally and other residence hall staff were appropriate.

I appreciate Sally correcting my oversight in a way that allowed this student organization to complete their distribution.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide this clarification.

Randy Alexander

Director of Residence