Salt Lake pity

William E. Woods

Visit and let the International Olympic Committee know your reasons why the 2002 Winter Olympic Games should not be held in Utah in view of the burgeoning scandal involving site selection.

Earlier this week an IOC official was quoted as saying that the venue would not be changed because of the scandal.

Today (on CNN Headline News), IOC officials are quoted saying that they hope the venue will not have to be changed.

The site-selection committee members should abide by the same rules that the IOC enforces on the playing field for the athletes.

The IOC would never condone bribery of the participatory athletes, and by extension should not condone bribery of its site-selection officials.

Now that the world knows of the bribery and other related scandals (which apparently have been ongoing for quite some time in this and other venues), it is time for the IOC to quit rewarding such behavior and make a stand against it by relocating the Games.

Utah was the origin of at least 60 percent of the funding used to defeat civil rights for our community in Hawaii, and I’m presuming a similar percentage was sent against our northern friends.

The Winter Games will not only bring enormous prestige to the host city, but will also line the pockets of the same people who felt compelled to relegate us to third-class citizenship if the games remain in Salt Lake City.

Other cities that competed for hosting the 2002 Games: Sion, Switzerland; Osterbund, Sweden (6th consecutive bid) and Quebec City, Canada.

Mahalo for your time.

William E. Woods
