Cameron Diaz is worth jail time

James M. Johnson

I am constantly amazed at the liberal news media.

They can’t seem to say or write anything that is purely fact.

They always have to include their unwanted, usually biased opinion.

Why does this bother me? Because it doesn’t force anyone to think for themselves!

I am personally registered as an independent.

This not only allows me to speak to both sides of the issues, but it also forces me to decide on a candidate or an issue based primarily on the person, and not on the party.

Case in point, I was listening to NPR’s coverage of the Senate trial, and Nina begins coverage by saying something to the effect that the Republicans were trying to prosecute an admitted adulterer.

The president hasn’t admitted to anything on his own. That was a totally false statement.

It wasn’t until the blue dress that the president decided to fess up, and only then when the DNA tests were run. Nina had skewed the facts with her opinion.

Mr. Clinton has some big [chuzpah]. I say this because I think that most men would lie to their wives and families about having an affair.

But I can say for certain that there aren’t very many men who would lie to a grand jury about having had an affair.

No woman is worth jail time.

I don’t feel that the president should have been impeached for simply having an affair.

I don’t feel that he should have been impeached for misleading the country, because frankly it is none of our damn business.

The problem is, he didn’t tell the truth under oath, and that is at the foundation of our judicial system. I dare say it is the cornerstone of our judicial system.

Don’t get me wrong, I have forgiven Mr. Clinton for the affair and misleading me, although I never bought his story.

But I cannot forgive him for lying under oath and for treating the White House like a whorehouse.

What ever happens with the trial, no matter the outcome, the president has already lost something he can never regain.

His respect.

It is important that we all have an opinion. Politics suck, but they are a necessary evil, and for that reason you have to look past all the partisan bull[poop], and find the issues. No one opinion is correct, and no one solution is the best.

But you have to care!

James M. Johnson


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