In like Flynt

Carl Stanford

I am ecstatic that someone, even if it is Larry Flynt, is exposing the sexual affairs of hypocritical Republican politicians.

If the Republicans are going to continually beat the drum of the religious right and pontificate about morals to the American public, then they better be sure they are above reproach.

If they believe that sexual purity is so important to holding public office, then surely these paragons of virtue must apply the same standards to themselves.

I cannot help wondering how many of these self-righteous Republicans careers are themselves built on abuse and untruths.

Congress has impeached a twice-elected president on an allegation that has no bearing at all on any affairs of state, an accusation devoid of judicial merit and of no constitutional import.

It’s not like Clinton sold national secrets to the Russians.

It is all about sex, so it doesn’t surprise me that Larry Flynt has joined the discussion. I am surprised that Hugh Hefner hasn’t, too.

Carl Stanford

Cedar Rapids