
Daily Staff Writer

  • UNI president to speak — University of Northern Iowa President Robert Koob will be addressing the Kiwanis Club Friday at the Ramada Inn, 1206 S. Duff Ave.

As part of “Envisioning Education,” a UNI statewide speaker program, Koob will speak on the future of education and how UNI is meeting the challenge.

Koob and other UNI representatives will discuss this topic at service clubs and civic meeting across the state throughout 1998 and 1999.

  • Latino Affairs Committee will meet Saturday — The Iowa Commission on Latino Affairs will be meeting at 10 a.m. Saturday in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.

The public is invited to attend the meeting.

For more information, contact Jose Amaya, assistant professor of English, at 294-3368, or Sylvia Tijerina, administrator in the division of Latino Affairs, at (515) 281-4070.