Do you want to make more money? Sure, we all do!

Courtney Padgitt

English and fine arts majors must enjoy what they do because they are willing to do it for little money or recognition.

Engineering majors (at least those who write in to the Daily) may not like their majors, since they feel a need to put other majors down on the basis of future income.

If you are unsure about your major, you can go to Student Counseling Services and do some career counseling. The number is 4-5056.

If making money is your primary goal, you can contact me. There is currently a truck driver shortage in the nation, and you can start at $38,000 without the college degrees, which will take you engineers at least four years to get.

That’s $152,000 you could have made trucking.

Courtney Padgitt


Transportation and logistics