Ridiculous drivel

Peter Fuerst

All Daily writers compose ridiculous drivel in the hopes of garnering criticism. I agree, not all stereotypes are inaccurate!

On the other hand, how logical is it to assume attractive women are unintelligent?

Perhaps David Roepke is repulsed by intelligent women and hence attractive women are not intelligent: Unfortunately, as with all stereotypes, it is more opinion than fact.

If it looks like a duck … I conjecture his idea of a typical person with homosexual tendencies is based more on his subjective perception and experience than actual demographics. I don’t know what you do “all night long and into the morning,” but I sleep and then eat breakfast.

I am happy that he was sheltered, here at ISU, from all those awful crime-committing Ghetto blacks fresh from the projects. I suppose if he hadn’t, he would take the stereotype of African Americans as criminals to be accurate.

David Roepke realizes the stereotypes centered on the people he encounters the most at ISU are untrue. Sorority girls are not sluts, guys with long hair who say dude a lot are not stoners, etc. It is unfortunate that he is unable to extrapolate what he has learned about stereotypes surrounding the predominant ISU community and apply this knowledge to generalizations about people he does not encounter as often.

Peter Fuerst

Graduate student

Molecular, cellular, developmental biology