Real service options

Eric G. Hurley

Serving in the military is not the only way to “prove” your patriotism as Greg Jerrett suggests (10/30/1998). Compulsory national service, if ever implemented, would not have to be only military. Peace Corps, Americorps and Senior Corps offer excellent alternatives to serve our country. The philosophy is different, but the personal sacrifices are real.

Sometimes the best way to destroy an enemy is to make them your friend.

Granted, it doesn’t make good action cinema like “Starship Troopers,” but there are thousands of Peace Corps Volunteers worldwide working in difficult and dangerous conditions to make people’s lives better.

Thus, they make the world a more peaceful place. And thus, they serve the people of the United States with the added benefit of serving the people of the world. It’s national and global patriotism rolled into one.

Perhaps if we would invest a significant fraction of the resources we spend on the methods, materials, literature and philosophy of war on the methods, materials, literature and philosophy of peace-making, we would have no need to send our young men and women to war to kill and be killed.

For an alternative science fiction vision of the future of war, check out Joe Haldeman’s “The Forever War.”

In a side point, each and every one of us can express out patriotism by voting this Tuesday.

Eric G. Hurley

Graduate student
