Sick and tired

Dana Schack

I am sick and tired of reading articles about how the tuition hike is hitting international students.

The tuition hike is hitting ALL of us.

It really irritates me to hear international students complaining that the university should do more to help them.

It is NOT the university’s responsibility to put YOU through college.

College education is a privilege, not a right, and especially not a right for students whose families have never paid a U.S. tax dollar to help support our public universities.

Why should hard-to-come-by financial aid be given to foreign students who will go right back home to other countries, never to benefit the country that put them through college?

That same financial aid could be given to a citizen who will live and work in the U.S.

I also don’t want to hear about how the international students are worried because they don’t know when their parents will be able to give them more money.

If you don’t have the money, you can’t buy something at a store. Same goes for your tuition.

If you need money so badly, GET A JOB!

Hundreds of Americans, including myself, work to put themselves through college without any financial support from their parents.

The university has already made concessions, pushing back payment deadlines for international students.

Funny, but when I didn’t pay my last U-bill on time, I got locked out of registration.

Why doesn’t the university offer me the same concessions when it comes to being low on cash?

Many students at this university have financial difficulties.

Most of us work hard to get our education anyway.

International students are welcome to the same education if they are willing to work for it also.

Quit bitching.

Paying your tuition is no one’s responsibility but yours.

Dana Schack


Fine arts