Sick and tired of ‘sick and tired’

Danny Fong

“I am sick and tired of reading articles about how the tuition hike is hitting international students.”

Yo! Guess what! We are not responsible for the way you feel. Wake up and smell the roses!

Yes, I do agree that the tuition hike will be hitting each and every Cyclone, but the thing is, that does not give you the right to bitch and gripe.

In addition, I do agree that the international students should not just merely complain about it but just be in action to start to create some form of money.

Just to inform you, I think you are misinformed about how international students get to further their studies in the States.

The international students must prove to the U.S. Embassies and the potential college they are interested in attending they do have enough financial support and academic background before they are given an I-20 form which will allow them to obtain a student visa.

The international students have to follow the rules and regulations as stated by the U.S. Embassies by not working while studying in the States.

They are only allowed to work after they have shown that they are terribly in need of the money due to some unforeseen circumstances and can only work for a maximum of 40 hours a week for the college that they are attending.

They are not like the so-called ‘Americans’ who pride themselves on the fact that they put themselves through college.

The government wants the international students to just spend money in the States to increase their foreign currency trading.

I would like to point out that Australia’s higher education system is actually one of the highest sources of income for that country.

That is one of the reasons why international students are deprived the opportunity to put themselves through college.

There are a lot of other reasons behind this, but I guess I will allow you the space to find out for yourself.

Some more information that will be beneficial to you, Dana: Currency speculators like George Soros (an American) had in the past couple of years started manipulating the currency market in Asia, and nearly all the countries in Asia are suffering from the devaluation of their currency.

I am not talking about a devaluation of about five to 10 percent. The value of some of the countries’ currency has devalued about 70 to 80 percent, sending them back 20 to 30 years.

These countries will need time to dig themselves out from that hole.

Dana, please go and read about what is happening in this world of ours because it affects you too.

Go read about the APEC meeting that is be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and read what has happened to the financial world.

The turmoil that Indonesians, Thais, Malaysians, Philippinos, Hong Kong Chinese, Koreans, Japanese and the rest are going through!

I guess if the international students are allowed to work like their fellow “American” friends, I am sure they would like to instead of “making noises” like you said.

The United States of America prides itself on diversity of cultures because all so-called “Americans” are in a way aliens in the U.S.A., and the real Americans should only be the Native Americans and the Latin Americans, not the caucasian Americans.

So, stop all the bitching and griping and understand what the real situation is. Find out how to be a source in creating a difference for the international students, a.k.a. “legal aliens.”

I totally believe that we will have to take full responsibility for what is happening in the world of ours and understand that we caused all this, instead of making matters worst.

Find out what is going on, and take action in creating a difference for the better!

Danny Fong
