Let my Towers stand

Danny Fong

I really have no idea what Director of Residence Randy Alexander’s comment was in the Des Moines Register last Sunday, but I guess it must have been something bad for the Towers Residence Association.

I had the opportunity to live in the Towers, and I would like it to stay.

I came to ISU about seven years ago from Malaysia, and I had the opportunity to choose where I would like to live during my years at ISU.

I chose to live in the Towers.

The atmosphere was just great. I lived there until the day I graduated, and never did I once have any negative views about my life while I was in Towers.

I totally agree with the likes of Septer, D’Amico and Weaver about the closeknit, family-like atmosphere that the Towers folks create due to the distance from the main campus.

If I have a say on whether the Towers should be demolished, I would definitely say “no.”

I had a very good experience while I was in Ames, and I would definitely say that the folks in Ames played an integral role in it.

I would not trade it for anything in the world.

The living conditions were not what other people perceived them to be, and the “loud and party atmosphere” has created, and will continue to create, a lot of future leaders in this world.

I, for one, graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering.

I do believe that there should be some major renovations done because the Towers is getting old.

Danny Fong


Mechanical engineering