Vilsack wins

Editorial Board

Congratulations Gov. Vilsack!

The people of Iowa have spoken in record numbers to say that they are no longer happy with politics as usual.

Now it is you who will lead us into the 21st century.

The first Democratic governor of the state of Iowa in 30 years will have the responsibility of taking us all to the next level.

You are finally headed to the statehouse and it is with the support of a grateful state.

A state which will be looking to you for guidance, inspiration and direction.

By voting for you, the citizens of Iowa have placed in you their trust and mandated that your leadership and policies are what they need now.

They believe that you are the best option for our state. They trust you to guide our state into the future.

On the brink of the next millennium, Iowa needs to be able to depend on a strong, fair governor who can set aside partisan politics for the best interests of all Iowans.

We know that man is you.

Always remember the platform that got you elected and the promises you made during your campaign.

Let your voice be heard when it comes to the well-being of students at all levels.

Keep your promises on education and make sure they are a priority.

Iowa has always been known nationwide for its fine educational programs and has long been one of the best educated states in the country.

Iowa needs to continue to be one of the best.

You campaigned for smaller classrooms because you knew where our potential resided.

Now as governor, you must find ways to help our schools to improve in every way possible.

When you stand up for Iowa’s children, you stand up for Iowa’s future.

Many Iowans must leave the state to find work in fields unavailable to them at home.

Businesses nationwide depend on talent that was born in our fair state.

We need to find a way to keep it here.

It was a hard won race in a difficult political climate but in the end, you managed to make your message heard.

The people of the state of Iowa have placed in you their trust.

They have given you the responsibility of safeguarding their futures.

Good luck.