Housing a la carte

Keith Kmett

“It’s kind of like a menu!?” How is that possible?

Students will not be able to choose where they live, but now their pocket book will determine if they get good living conditions. As if we weren’t paying enough?

Sure. Great idea. Put the upper-class students in the suites to look down and gloat over the shanty townspeople.

The “suite” price is just another reminder that there is still a type of class segregation even in a university that has “equal opportunity.”

What about those students who fund their own education? They will be forced to stay in minimal living conditions while others enjoy the “better life.”

I realize that ISU has some of the cheapest residence halls around, but wake up. We pay a lot of other things, not just residence hall costs.

Tuition is going up, the fees will more than likely accompany that and now they want us to pay more.

Aren’t we already paying an increase for the Master Plan? Therefore, shouldn’t we all have equal opportunities to enjoy the new renovations? If the stubborn administration wants to separate the social classes then why are we fighting for equal rights?

I feel that the administration is making a big mistake by charging “suite” prices.

Keith Kmett


Journalism and mass

communication and Spanish