Lemony-fresh Veishea pledge

Jeni Nosbisch

I think everyone should take the Veishea pledge to make it a safe and alcohol-free weekend. Who says you need alcohol to have fun?

Instead of acting under the influence, you and your friends should commit yourselves to acting out every loony idea that comes to mind, without question.

As soon as someone thinks of something, do it. Climb the trees on central campus. Swim out to Swan Island. Have a water gun shootout up and down Welch.

And when the police come to arrest you for public rowdiness, the fines are bound to be lower than for public drunkenness, and the university can’t expel you because you didn’t drink.

I would like GSB to seriously consider the Veishea pledge and expose it for the folly it is.

Unless it undergoes major change, it will not keep anyone from drinking who did not commit to it.

Asking everyone to abstain from alcohol is pretty silly.

OK, everyone probably could, but forcing us to do so is the greatest folly.

Jeni Nosbisch

