Apathy is the real winner

Editorial Board

So what exactly were all of you doing Tuesday?

Did the car need washing?

Was it time to catch up on all those Springer re-runs?

The 7.6 percent voter turnout in precinct 4-5, which includes the Knoll and most of Richardson Court Association, was nothing short of PATHETIC.

Mrs. Jischke was at the polls — looks like she was about the only person who cared enough to get off the couch.

The 10 percent turnout in precinct 3-2, the north half of the greek system, isn’t any better.

In precinct 4-3, a less-disappointing 18.5 percent of those registered cast their ballots.

But don’t cheer yet, as if 81.5 percent non-participation would be a reason for celebration. Apathetic Iowa Staters had some help there: 4-3 includes many more non-students than either 4-5 or 3-2.

What’s your excuse?

You can’t say you didn’t know enough, unless you were too lazy to move your index finger.

Almost all of the candidates running in local partisan races were profiled in the Daily, and each of those articles was posted on our Web site.

You can’t say you didn’t have time.

The polls were open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., and it takes less than 15 minutes to vote.

Don’t even mention the weather or the distance to your precinct’s voting station.

In some countries, it’s such a privilege to vote that people brave bullets to make their voices heard.

It must be said that these rock-bottom figures might be artificially low. According to state Sen. Johnie Hammond, sloppy registration lists show as many as eight students living in one dorm room.

But even Hammond admits that students have no civic conscience. She attended numerous house meetings during her campaign, but she said only one house showed any real interest.

So don’t ever complain about higher taxes, skyrocketing tuition or corrupt politicians because you get the leaders that you deserve.

Don’t whine when you get fined $500 for public intoxication, thanks to a constitutional amendment that passed Tuesday with barely a squeak of opposition.

“Wow,” you say. “I didn’t even know it was on the ballot.”

That’s right, most of you were ignorant. And the rest couldn’t even put forth the modicum of effort necessary to vote.

Congratulations, ISU — apathy has triumphed again.