Did Giuliani insult you with verbal garbage, too?

John Hynes

The letters sent to you by Council Member Eldridge and Robert Lederman are quite accurate.

If New York has indeed been cleaned up, it has been at a high price. A man in police custody was brutally sodomized with a toilet plunger.

Another man was shot by an off-duty cop for the offense of attempting to clean the cop’s windshield.

Another individual who reported police operating a red light trap was arrested on a failure to pay a 14-year- old traffic ticket.

Giuliani publicly declared that the man had been convicted of sodomy.

This was simply not true, and when caught in the lie the mayor blamed it on the press. People who have dared to complain about police misconduct have been arrested on false felony charges, jailed and beaten. Giuliani, when he says anything, often blames the victim.

During his 1993 successful campaign against David Dinkins, Giuliani incited a crowd of 10,000 off- duty, white police officers (many of whom were drunk) who then proceeded to attack cars driven by black motorists.

He has said that victims of police brutality should say “thank you” to the police for displaying restraint instead of complaining.

His reduction in the number of welfare cases has been due to the summary and illegal termination of the pitiful incomes of families on welfare, cutoff of Medicaid and therefore insulin to diabetics, refusal to obey court orders to cease and desist, etc.

Close to one half of our city’s children live in poverty — triple the national average.

Unemployment is far higher in New York City than in the rest of the nation.

When it hit 10 percent, Giuliani declared that to be a good sign, as it meant more people were looking for work.

Our mayor insults our intelligence on a daily basis with this verbal garbage.

As a proud New Yorker, I apologize if he insulted you as well.

I could continue for many pages, but I think you get the point.

I doubt that Giuliani mentioned these details when he addressed you.

John Hynes

New York City