Put the smack down

Chris Van Oosbree

Greg Jerrett, your column in Friday’s Daily sucked! There, I said it. Clear enough?

That piece was just chock full of sarcasm all wrapped up with your very own “aplomb and acid wit.” Give it a break, man — people can see through you like glass.

You really don’t care about the political process and voter apathy that much. You just found something you thought would be worthwhile to write about. Maybe you did, maybe you didn’t.

Did you ever consider that maybe the reason people don’t vote is because they don’t feel they have to?

Americans are lazy, and a lot would have to be very motivated to make it to the polls on election day. A lot of people are probably just satisfied with the status quo and don’t feel any need to vote.

You contradicted yourself in your comments about Jesse “The Governor” Ventura. First you say Minnesotans are “idiots” for electing him. Then you tell people to vote third party if they hate politicians. Well, Ventura was a third party candidate.

So, are Minnesotans idiots, or do they just hate politicians? Oh, by the way, Ventura was mayor of Brooklyn Park, Minn., has his own radio call-in show and is a veteran. This guy has more political savvy and know-how than you ever will.

Finally, I really liked the part where you called most of your audience apathetic morons. Very nice. You’re my audience, Greg. Let me return the favor. Think before you write, moron.

Chris Van Oosbree


Computer engineering