For our next trick …

Editorial Board

Well, it was like pulling teeth, but women are finally included in our state’s constitution.

Lord knows it took long enough.

While you may be thinking this is just one more lame editorial about how we should all love being politically correct and towing the liberal line … it isn’t.

Put down that copy of the National Review and hearken to this tale: Not every political issue is about soft and tender feelings or tree-hugging, left-wing politics.

Some things are about pragmatism.

The fact that women make up just more than 50 percent of the population should be enough to guarantee them some equality, but we all know that doesn’t always work very well.

The fact that they bear 100 percent of the children should nail this issue shut permanently, but men don’t like to give any ground on that one.

The fact that women routinely go above and beyond the call of duty should make this a matriarchal society where they are worshipped as goddesses.

And all they want is some paltry equality and a bit of written confirmation of that fact.

It is most impressive to see the people of Iowa vote this change into effect so readily.

This confirms what some have suspected but rarely hinted at, except in the movies: Iowa is easily confused with Heaven.

The truth is, this feels like way too little, way too late.

What does it take for women to get the nod they deserve for propping up society on their wombs and backs?

How about an amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

That would be a nice start.

What is it going to take for our vaunted representatives in Washington to put into writing what is obvious to anyone with a decent heart and the good sense to see God’s own truth?

All men and women are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.

The fact that a man is stronger than a woman and capable of greater feats of violence in no way makes the load he bears in our society a greater one.

So let’s give up this useless attempt to hang on to outdated semantics.

Let’s get everyone on equal footing in the U.S. Constitution and in America before the next century starts, or we will all look like Neanderthals running around beating our chests in a “Buck Rogers” serial.