Help for Hondurans

Benjamin Lennander

Having been to Honduras several times, I am disappointed to see America’s apathy in response to the disaster in Central America.

My friends and I, however, have responded with action.

I would like to offer an effective yet convenient way to respond to this need.

I am helping to coordinate a relief effort to the Hondurans through Stonebrook Community Church.

If anyone would like more information on the current situation or specific needs that the Hondurans have, e-mail me at [email protected].

Donations are being collected at Stonebrook until Wed., Nov. 18.

You can call them at 232-6290 or drop your donations off at 3611 Eisenhower Ave. We will box up your donations and send them off on the Nov. 19.

Please join with me in helping these victims of natures fury.

Benjamin Lennander

