New publication offers solidarity

Kelsey Foutch

An outlet for local creativity arrived last month in the form of a pocket-sized literary publication.

“Second Backbone,” a brand new publication for the off-campus community created by Iowa State students, showcases original works of poetry, photography, art and essay.

With the first issue printed in September, English graduate student Anne Pepper and senior in journalism and mass communication Aaron Barstow hope to publish “Second Backbone” bi-annually.

Pepper said the frequency of publication will rely mainly on the response and desire of the public.

The title, “Second Backbone,” holds personal meanings to Pepper. She said it was chosen because of her opinion that some people need a second backbone, or some solidarity and support. Sometimes, having the willingness to share your work gives you the extra support you need.

The first issue took an estimated one year from the genesis to the finished project.

“It was created to give a niche to the fine arts people in Ames and to allow expression of creativity outside of the university,” Pepper said. “We wanted to create something different for those who wanted to share their work.”

The year-long publication time may be due to the fact that Pepper and Barstow are the only two staff members.

“I personally worked mainly on the production aspect of ‘Backbone,’ but we worked a lot together on the entire thing,” Barstow said.

Pepper pointed out that without a larger staff, many of their challenges differ from those of other publications.

Partly because of expense, “Backbone” is published in a small, black-and-white, stapled form.

The creators wanted to focus primarily on the literary content of the publication instead of its cost and image. Despite all of these barriers, “Backbone” is still offered free to the public.

Barstow and Pepper are hoping to get their publication distributed to the coffeehouse crowd and are currently requesting permission to distribute through locations such as The Ames Public Library, Big Table Books, Stomping Grounds, Gregory’s Coffee House and People’s Bar and Grill.

Anyone may be considered for publication; inclusion is not just limited to students, and any form of artistic expression is desired.

Interested Artists can submit their non-offensive work for approval to Aaron Barstow, Second Backbone, 704 Duff Ave., Ames, Iowa 50010 or to Anne Pepper, Second Backbone, 210 N. Hyland, Ames, Iowa 50014.