Battle of the bands

Editorial Board

There is nothing like college football.

The smell of the grass, the crunching of shoulder pads and the band keeping everyone pumped up between plays by performing jaunty tunes and mercilessly beating the opposing teams marching band into a fine paste.

The bands from Prairie View A & M and Southern University took school spirit a little too far last week.

The two bands participated in a full-uniform melee on Sept. 19.

While Southern’s band marched off the field and Prairie View’s band lined up on the sidelines, the two erupted into an unconventional brawl which involved the use of instruments of mass destruction; namely tubas.

We have always heard of bands that have mean trumpet sections, but this is ridiculous.

Seven Prairie View band members were injured, and it resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in uniform and instrument repair for both sides.

Of course, both insist that the other started it.

Oh the humanity!

The Southwestern Athletic Conference suspended both bands for two weeks forcing them to the sidelines.

The week after the suspension, the Prairie View football team won its first game and broke its NCAA record 80-game football losing streak.

Because of the victory, the band decided to march this weekend in violation of the suspension handed down by the SWAC.

The SWAC came down hard on the school Tuesday and suspended the entire Prairie View athletic program indefinitely until further notice.

Under the athletic program suspension, the football, volleyball, track and bowling teams are prohibited from playing any SWAC team until the suspension is lifted.

Worst of all, the homecoming football game has been canceled — damping festivities at Prairie View.

Just as the Prairie View football team was beginning to get on the right track, this had to happen.

The athletic program was starting to climb up out of the cellar, and they get sent back down because of the highjinks of a few hyperactive hornblowers.

Certainly, some form of punishment is required here but putting the kibosh on all of Prairie View’s athletics seems harsh.

Maybe the SWAC could make them sell candy bars until justice is satisfied.