Editorial: The internet fuels racism in schools

Editorial Board

Today, there is so much content on television, in the media and everywhere we look. Some of this content can make some of us immune to things that others might feel strongly about, such as something we say. The internet is an especially good source that many of us can’t go a day without using. It has so much content, unfiltered and available to anyone. As long as you know how to use Google and type what you desire to view, you can find anything. Having this much access to sensitive content can make us not think about what we are saying or who we are saying it to.

Saying that, just because a lot of material is available to everyone does not make it okay to bring to the public. Something you might find interesting, funny or whatever might be hurtful and offensive to others.

While some things might have been more accepted 50 years ago, there is no excuse now to be racist to anyone. No one deserves to be isolated because of something they were born with. Children especially do not deserve this treatment. In an educational system, there should be a different kind of sensitivity given to the students, especially the younger students.

Younger students, such as middle school age children, are at the prime age of finding oneself and solidifying one’s identity. There is no reason these students should be in an environment that makes them feel different because of features they might have.

While some racial comments might be acceptable in ones family, culture, household, etc., those same comments can be very offensive to others.

Saying that, everyone needs to try and let comments that might be offensive roll of their back. No matter what they might say or do, you can only control how you react to others.

People have become addicted to social media, the internet and all other platforms that provide information. People have become numb to things like violence and racism. That does not excuse educators to make comments towards others or anyone outright stating others differences out of hatred.

People need to form a filter that fits the environment they are in and be sensitive towards those who are feeling hurt by what one might have said. Along with that, we all need to learn to let some things roll off one’s shoulder. Fighting violence with violence never works.