Helser crowns king and queen

Jamie Lange

One residence hall got into the Homecoming spirit this year by crowning its own king and queen.

Brian Williams, junior in pre-computer engineering, and Rachel Faber, junior in zoology, were crowned Oct. 9 as the Helser Homecoming King and Queen.

The residents of Helser Hall voted for the winners by using pocket change, which Williams and Faber donated to their favorite local charities.

The function raised more than $800.

Faber chose to donate her share of the money to the Red Cross Relief Fund for the bombing victims in Kenya.

“After being the recipient of tremendous warmth and hospitality in Kenya this summer as an exchange student, the terrible destruction of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi hit really close to home,” she said.

“My friends in Kenya have since been in my constant thoughts and prayers as the nation tries to rebuild after such a gross act of terrorism,” she said.

Williams picked the Nature Conservancy as his charity of choice.

“I care more about most animals than I do about most people,” he said.

Williams said he won because his floormates cared about the contest.

“I’m one of the biggest freaks on campus, so everyone thought, ‘That would be cool if Brian won,'” Williams said.

Each floor was responsible for choosing its candidate, and most floors voted, said Erin Reicks, senior in speech communication.

“The money was raised by students contributing change to the candidate of their choice’s jar,” she said.

The hall desks were filled with jars, where residents could donate spare change as their “votes.”

Pennies, dimes and quarters represented one vote, 10 votes and 25 votes, respectively. Residents could vote as often as they wanted during the hall desk hours.

The money was totaled every evening to provide voters with daily updates.

Faber said she was “flattered and surprised” to have been voted queen.

“By far, the opportunity to monetarily donate so much to a charitable organization is the most rewarding aspect of being the Helser Queen,” Faber said.