Injecting something

Eric Evans

Politics, like football, basketball, hockey and baseball, has always been a male sport.

Certain male traits are simply necessary to endure the daily toil of the political arena and fully comprehend and appreciate the esoteric details of parliamentary procedure.

Eons of societies evolved into a preferred, male-only political arena. If women were meant to lead or be equals, then they would be. But they have never proven themselves capable, or asserted themselves into a domineering position.

Never in the written history of mankind has a female-dominated society persevered.

Personally, I wish that women were more controlling, commanding and bossy since it is so erotic.

The only women I have ever known to get away with despotism are my mother (she’s half man) and female civil engineers.

In all of life’s complicated aspects, male politicians perform better.

For instance, could a female president lead half as well as Mr. Clinton?

It would take years of testosterone injections.

Sex is one of the biggest issues today, and I am appalled by any gender bias.

Women should simply concede their inferiority and accept a position only when no better man can be found.

Eric Evans


Civil engineering