Nothing better to complain about

Zac Barclay

It is amazing to me the issues that people decide to focus on these days. People get into an uproar about the most incredibly stupid arguments.

For the last two weeks, I have been reading the Daily hoping rather half-heartedly to attempt to find some piece of real news or information.

Perhaps even a thought-provoking editorial about some hard hitting matter. But to no avail. The last two weeks the Daily has been cluttered even more than usual with garbage.

The mind-numbing stupidity I refer to is the constant debates over whose opinion is right.

Most of these articles have focused on two topics.

The first I am referring to is the vegetable vs. meat debate. Get over it already. The initial article that started the debate was obviously meant to be taken lightly as someone’s opinion and not the attack on a lifestyle. The candor and word usage in the article was totally illustrative of a lighthearted piece and should have been taken as such.

Secondly, Chad Calek. Where do I start with this? The man is entitled to his opinion. Whether I agree with him or whether anyone else agrees with him is irrelevant. That is specifically why it is called an opinion. Plain and simple, this man’s columns are written purely for entertainment.

All of you censors out there who feel his articles should be banned because you find them offensive … just don’t read the column.

Use some common sense people, and stop blaming others for your ignorance.

There are some people who enjoy reading satirical humor that pokes fun at things that might be considered risky or taboo. Lighten up … take it in stride, and if you don’t like it, don’t read it.

There is also a third case that I feel is worth mentioning. This is the case of the angry group as I like to call it. Whether it be the Alliance, the Christians or the Pagans, everyone needs to lighten up. If someone criticizes you, take it as just that.

Criticism and opinion are both things you are going to have to get used to when you become a grown up.

Unfortunately, some learn how to deal with this later than others.

Just because someone points something out about your group or expresses an opinion about your group that doesn’t mean they are against you or want to see you burn.

It just means that they chose to express their opinion in a public forum.

It is amazing how everyone preaches free speech and then bitches when it’s used against them.

If we could all just learn to take in stride a little criticism and opinion in our lives, we might get along with our fellow humans but also learn to be better individuals.

Learn from what other people believe and don’t feel condemned because it’s not the same as what you believe.

Zac Barclay


Animal ecology