ISU recognized as Friend of Tourism

Emily Graham

Iowa State received the 1998 Corporate Friend of Tourism award from the Iowa Division of Tourism Tuesday night at the University of Iowa Memorial Union.

The Corporate Friend of Tourism award recognizes organizations that are not traditionally in the leisure travel business, according to a press release.

The award is given to an organization that brings people into the community and supports tourism. ISU was nominated by the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau.

“This is the first time a university has won an award of this sort,” said Murray Blackwelder, vice president for External Affairs.

Shawna Lode, public relations manager for the Iowa Division of Tourism, said more than 350 different organizations were on hand at a convention where ISU was presented with the award.

She said now all 350 organizations know about ISU and its accomplishments.

“It is an honor for ISU to receive this award,” Lode said.

ISU and the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau published a Convention Planners Guide that highlights convention facilities around the community.

Many of the facilities mentioned in the book are located on campus.

Hilton Coliseum, Farmhouse Museum and the Brunnier Art Museum are all mentioned in the planners guide.

Rich Harter, director of the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau, said the joint effort on the planners guide was part of the reason why the bureau nominated ISU.

“I believe that this is the first time a university has worked with the community on a project of this nature,” Harter said. “I was really excited to see ISU win because I wrote their nomination.”

Harter also was on hand at the convention to accept the award for the university.

“No one had informed the university that they should be present,” he said. “I was the one handing out the awards that night. I was thrilled to accept the award for them.”

Harter said he is proud of ISU and its efforts to work with the Ames community to improve tourism.

“I am thrilled that the Iowa Tourism industry was able to recognize them statewide,” he said.

Harter presented the award to Blackwelder the next day at an Ames Convention and Visitors Board of Directors meeting.

“Iowa State University is proud to contribute to tourism in Iowa, but we couldn’t do it without the excellent support of our university community, our alumni and the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau,” Blackwelder said in a press release.