The Daily officially recognizes America

Jeff Brinkman

Where do you get your writers? I am curious. It pains me to open the paper everyday and read some worthless, liberal spew.

I won’t say much about the story trying to compare water coming through a dam and the death penalty. It was beyond comparing apples and oranges. It was like comparing apples and turds, with the dam story being the latter.

Liberals have their grubby little mitts on the press, and that’s why things are going to hell. They think if we are all touchy-feely, then everything will be OK. That’s B.S.

Kata Alvidrez wrote in Tuesday’s paper about the budget and tries to blame Republicans. Why doesn’t anyone in the press mention that the Liberal Lover in the White House has missed as many days of work this year than he’s “worked.”

When will the trips to Martha’s Vineyard and to his campaign contributors in communist China (the human rights violators) end? When he’s impeached?

Kata, you have the right to say what you want and hate the “little boys who shoot first and ask questions later,” but try and acknowledge that those “little boys” gave you at the Daily the right to bash them.

I think you owe it to my father, grandfathers, father-in-law and everyone else who was not afraid to fight for those rights. This is America; it would be nice for the Daily to recognize that.

Jeff Brinkman

